10 March 2009

omonia to areos park

noise of smells in an out and around to and thro-ugh, groove to the beat of horns, mufflers, vehicles of despair in and out heartbeat pulsating projected and propelled forward, the human form so ambivalent but so aware of what it is they may seem to be breathing.

to take a breath of the beat is to be projected to the point of history, soil, earth, sediment of the gods let you begin to tell a tale of existence, it is or where does it lie? phallicy of many proportions, yes a modern city coming to unearth an ungainly knowledge or is it just a willingness to survive, why contemplate your existence of survival, to think is to know why it is not just because it is there, is that enough of what you would engage to inspect or expect......

athens november 1994

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